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Secondary School

Trustech believes in thoughtful teaching in the developmental stages of the students.


Thoughtful teaching in developmental stages

Middle school students are growing in their understanding of themselves as individuals and are beginning to see their role in the greater world. It is essential that middle school students feel seen and known by their teachers. This is not the time to get lost in the crowd.

We hear a lot of concern from parents about overcrowded classrooms and students being taught “to the test” in traditional schools. With the big changes that middle school students face - emotionally, intellectually, socially - they need to be recognized for their strengths and encouraged in their challenges and struggles. At Trustech, the number one thing our teachers express about why they love working at a small school is that they really get to know each of their students - they are champions of each student’s success.

How is this reflected in the curriculum?

Middle school is often a time of turbulent change and intense questioning for students. How does the Trustech curriculum meet the students where they are amidst their personal challenges?

Throughout the middle school experience, students receive a broad education in science, humanities, math, hand working, woodworking, music, and physical education. A Hands-on, arts integrated curriculum deepens the students' academic learning. Social studies and history lessons resonate with the growth and change the students are experiencing in their early teens. Science classes connect students to a growing understanding of the natural world. The students create woodworking and hand working projects that broaden their self-awareness and hone skills and perseverance.

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