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Bachelor Programs We Offer

School of Business Administration

School of Business Administration is an institution that aims at providing the practical best in the education industry. At Trustech, the education provided is in league with international norm. With us, you will have the opportunity to sculpt a persona that can rule the roost of the corporate world. Trustech is a premier institute that has accentuated the positive aspects of management degrees through extensive research. Our programs are aimed at grooming an individual by providing him industry exposure, acquainting him with nitty-gritty of the corporate world and giving an international platform to transcend the horizons.

Learn more about various programs available at School of Business Administration.

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Marketing & Management Studies

The reason for this programme is to develop students to be socially and ethically responsible through a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that provides them with the needed knowledge and skills that will enable them better manage and be able to market their resources more effectively in Business.

  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, problem-solving and strong business analytical skills, and attitudes needed to facilitate the performance of marketing.
  • To train students to acquire specialized skills and effectively manage themselves and their resources.
  • To provide students with the requisite training for entry into higher degree.
  • To encourage students to seek opportunities to become self-employed.

Learn more about the program on our school of business administration page.

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Human Resource Management

Program Aims:

The rationale of the programme is to develop a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that ensures that students who graduate from the programme have the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to manage an organisation’s most valued assets, the human resource. Students are also trained to be socially and ethically responsible for managing themselves and others within the work environment.

The main objective for this programme is:

  • To develop a well-structured and integrated programme of study that ensures that students get the relevance in the management of people within organizations.
  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, skills, and capabilities, that is problem-solving and promotes a holistic approach to the management of people.
  • To develop students, research, and analytical skills in the management of the human resource
  • To provide students with the needed knowledge for undertaking further study in Human Resource Management

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Program Aim:

The reason for this programme is to develop a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that ensures students who graduate from the programme have the knowledge, skill, and competency needed to manage the financial resources of a Business which is one of its most valuable assets. Students are also trained to be socially and ethically responsible for managing themselves and financial resources.

The main objective of this program is:

  • To develop a well-structured and integrated programme for students that ensures relevance in the management of finance.
  • To equip candidates with the best and most recent skills, knowledge, and capabilities that is problem-solving and promotes a holistic approach to the management of financial resources and accounting.
  • To develop in students, research and analytical skills in the management of financial resources and accounting practices.
  • To provide students with the needed knowledge for undertaking further study in Accounting and Finance.

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Banking & Finance

Program Aims:

The aim of this programme is to develop students to be socially and ethically responsible by providing quality education through a well-balanced and integrated academic programme. This is to enable the student to become professionals in managing finance and also creating investment opportunities for organizations.

The main objective for this programme is:

  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, skills, problem-solving techniques, tools and attitudes to facilitate and coordinate the banking and finance functions in national and multi-national corporations, public and private, small scale and medium enterprises.
  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, problem-solving and analytical skills, and attitudes needed to facilitate the performance in the Banking and Finance sector.
  • To train students to acquire specialized and modern skills to effectively manage themselves and organizations
  • To provide students with the requisite training for entry into higher degree programmes.

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