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Clubs & Extra-Curricular Activities

Trustech has a handful of clubs and organisations for their students. That way, students will not only focus on their academic performance but also spend time exploring their interests with students who share the same interests as them.

Trustech University Clubs

Trustech University Student Clubs’ objective is to coordinate and execute various activities to engage and stimulate the students. The Student clubs provides support and promotes activities that help the student body nurture their talents and help them grow, according to their areas of interest.

  • Academic Clubs
  • Political Clubs
  • Media & Publication Groups
  • Community Service & Social Justice
  • Theater & The Arts
  • Cultural Clubs
  • Religious & Spiritual Groups
  • Sports & Recreation

Extra Curricular Activities

You can pursue different types of extracurricular activities based on what interests you. The strongest applications include a blend of the following activities.

  • Academic Activities: Examples include quiz bowl, debate, model United Nations, pre-college programs, study abroad programs, and mock trial. These activities demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning beyond the classroom and an interest in furthering your education. Colleges love to see academic activities on applications.
  • Community Activities: These activities include service or volunteering with local organisations. Possible groups include Habitat for Humanity, Room in the Inn, food banks, and family shelters. Colleges value these activities because they show you care about other people and will likely contribute to the campus community.
  • Personality Activities: Personality activities emphasise to colleges who you are beyond your grades, test scores, and application. They make you a unique person who jumps off the page. Examples include sports and scouting.

Engage & Enhance

At Trustech University, about 80% of students are involved in one or more of our 350+ student organisations. Here are just a few of the many benefits Trustech students have shared:

  • Enhances their college experience
  • Helps connect them to the Trustech community
  • Enhance their ability to lead
  • Build a stronger sense of school spirit