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Meeting with Lecturers  (Review of Course forms/Distribution of Courses)

21st of September 2022

Orientation Week for the 2022/2023 Academic Year

HOD’s should organize Departmental Orientation after the General Orientation Exercise

18th-22ndof October 2022

First Semester Continuous Assessments Week

12th -16thof December 2022

First Semester Break

17th of December 2022 to 2ndof  January 2022

First Academic Study Field Trips/Seminars and Workshops

January to February 2023

Resumption of Lectures for Phase II of First Semester

3rd January 2023

Launching of HND 2023 Session Registration

10th  of January 2023

End of HND Registration

N/B: Late Registration will not be accepted

25th of February 2023

Blocked period for Make-up Continuous Assessments

30th January - 4th  of February 2023

Youth Week Activities in Preparation for Youth Day

7th to 10th of February 2023

 Youth Day Celebrations

11th of February 2023

First Semester Examinations for level I & II

N/B: Internship Placement/Collection of Letters for Self-Internship Placement

14th of February to 18thof February 2023

First Semester Examinations for level III (B-TECH) students

22rd to 25th of February 2023

First Semester Break

N/B: No Semester Break for HND Level II students

27th February to 6th of March 2023

Resumption of Lectures for the Second Semester

14th of March 2023

Second Academic Study Field Trips/Seminars and Workshops

April 2023

Defense of HND Internship Reports

N/B: This is an Official Examination (i.e. the first paper for the 2020 Session of HND).  N/B: The period may change as determined by MINESUP. The University Institute selects a day for the exercise within this period.


04th to 24th of April 2023

Easter Break

8thto 10th of April 2023

Second Semester Continuous Assessments Week

18th to 22nd of April 2023

HND  Mock Examinations for Level II students (this examination is compulsory for all level II student)

25th – 29th of April 2023

Labour Day Celebrations

1st May 2023

Easter Break

8thto 10th of April 2023

Second Semester Examinations for level I HND students

23rd – 26th May 2023

2023 SESSION OF OFFICIAL EXAMS: The HND National Examinations

N/B: The period may change as determined by MINESUP

6th of June to 12th of June 2023

Second Semester Examinations for level III (B-TECH) students

13th– 16th of June 2023

Resit Examination Session for level III (B-TECH/BSc) students

22nd–25th of August 2023

Defense of Project for level III (B-TECH) students

29th of August 2023

Resit Examination Session for level I & II HND students

October 2023

N/B: All examinations questions must get to the Dean of Studies at least two weeks to the beginning of the examinations.